Peter Dow Update
Peter Dow, while I was at Uni, posted the following notice in the Library: "Looking for a Female Friend. Due to my campaigning activities, I have no time to go dating. If you are interested in friendship or a serious relationship, please contact Peter Down on... 01224 ******"
Then when a friend moved into the west end, he pointed out Dow's flat window where he had the same notice with only the following difference "Thankyou, but I am not interested in any Gentlemen Friends. Please stop ringing my doorbell."
I can only tell you how much fun is to be found looking for locals in the Yahoo personals (search by area! What fun!)...
But then the other day, this was drawn to my attention., we love you...
Edit: 02/01/09 - sadly no longer exists. However with the help of my good friend Neighbour Of The Hoors (who will soon be taking over this blog) - we found Mr Dow's appeal for a lady friend on his own site.
posted by Aberdeen Tramps | Friday, January 02, 2009
Then when a friend moved into the west end, he pointed out Dow's flat window where he had the same notice with only the following difference "Thankyou, but I am not interested in any Gentlemen Friends. Please stop ringing my doorbell."
I can only tell you how much fun is to be found looking for locals in the Yahoo personals (search by area! What fun!)...
But then the other day, this was drawn to my attention., we love you...
Edit: 02/01/09 - sadly no longer exists. However with the help of my good friend Neighbour Of The Hoors (who will soon be taking over this blog) - we found Mr Dow's appeal for a lady friend on his own site.
Labels: peter dow

just out of interest, has anybody else seen that this guy Peter Dow posts frankly bizarre comments on the "Have Your Say" section of the BBC News website from time to time...?
Peter Dow latest - from the man himself ...
Peter's personal crisis
Peter Dow's benefits suspended
Peter Dow's welfare benefits have been suspended by the Job Centre, Aberdeen.
22 February 2007
The consequence of this heartless decision, initially to suspend Job Seeker's Allowance by a certain Iain, Customer "Services", Aberdeen Job Centre, 11 Chapel Street, AB10 1SQ, Tel. (01224) 618000 are dramatic and cruel indeed for Peter Dow, a long term unemployed person, solely dependent on state benefits for his survival.
The other consequence of suspending Job Seeker's Allowance is that Peter Dow's Housing Benefit will also automatically be suspended as a consequence.
Thus at a stroke Peter Dow finds himself without ANY means of financial support whatsoever. No money for food, no money to pay bills like electricity and gas, and no money to pay his rent either.
The failure to pay rent in good time can have catastrophic consequences for a tenant like Peter Dow - ultimately, he could be evicted from his home and be left without a roof over his head, in the dire wet, windy and cold weather of winter in Aberdeen.
With no roof over his head or any place to keep his things, he may also lose all of his property, down to the shirts for his back.
This is the appalling scenario which now confronts Peter Dow - utter ruination and a life of destitution on the street as a dirty tramp, begging for food and a place out of the cold.
Iain, Customer "Services", Aberdeen Job Centre -
The evil man who took the decision to suspend Peter Dow's benefits.
Low-res video of Iain.
Download Hi-res Video of Iain - Right-click Save Target As...
Make no mistake, the decision to suspend all benefits COULD lead to ill-health such as pneumonia which people can die from. The decision to suspend benefits is an despicable act of a cruel and vicious state which threatens the health and life of Peter Dow.
Indeed, it may not be too dramatic to describe the decision to suspend benefit as an attempt on the life of Peter Dow - a very serious charge to bring, yet as Peter Dow's whole future life now hangs in the balance, Peter Dow considers that "he" (I) should not shrink from making this accusation of a serious crime against the person committed by the state and its employees.
Peter Dow says -
"As a committed republican socialist I vow to try to fight to defend myself from this attack on my welfare, accepting all help which any compassionate person could offer to me in this my hour of need, and, somehow, to continue to fight the good fight for as long as I can."
Messages of support to
See this post with images and colour video on Peter's website -
Let's try to make that link to my website an active, clickable link ...
Peter Dow's benefits suspended Scottish Republican News
Boo hoo cry me a river! Why don't you try getting a job Peter Dow
Get a job you shirking git. Social inadequate.
Peter Dow used to live in my house, as a lodger when i was a wee boy. No shit. He was pretty mental.
And here is my first chance to exercise my editorial rights!
Obviously Mr Tramps didn't intend this to be a place for public slanging matches over Mr Dow's campaigning activity - there appears to be plenty enough places to do that online already.
Unfortunately Mr Dow, I don't have enough permissions on this blog to remove any of the comments already written - but I can at least do you the favour of putting an updated link to your web page. I had a quick online search and think this is the main one.
Kind Regards,
Neighbour of The Hoors.
Hmmm, yes at the time of writing that is the text of the link to the home page of my website. However, you need to use an HTML 'a' for anchor tag to make the link click-able.
Thus Peter Dow's Scottish National Standard Bearer website. Home page.
And Peter Dow's Scottish National Standard Bearer website. Alternative link if there is a problem with the above link.
No offence but I often wonder why a "tramps and ither weel-kent folk" blog should be a source of such a high percentage of the people who click to my website?
I mean website visitor traffic is website visitor traffic and therefore welcome but would it not be more appropriate if I had links and visitor traffic from the likes of the universities', news organisations', political parties' and Scottish parliament's websites whose readers would and should really benefit from the political advice on my website?
Strange that so many people should be afforded an opportunity of receiving the best political advice they will ever likely to receive in their life via a "tramps and ither weel-kent folk" blog.
Whereas the organisations whose official role it is to inform and educate the population are "missing in action".
I mean even though I was on BBC 2 Scotland for 10 minutes on December 7th, 2008, none of the BBC Scotland or other broadcasting and publishing news and politics reporters are ringing me up asking for comments, contributions or invites to participate in studio discussions or anything.
Official Scotland still wants to apply a deaf ear and a blind eye I think.
Hi Peter,
And thanks for your comment! :)
It's quite cool that one of our Weel Kent Fowk can make comments of their own.
Now to get Rasheen et all to also add comments :)
Thanks for the updates to your sites etc.
The way Google's search engine works is, I think, the reason for the amount of hits coming from here. Top hits get clicked more and therefore become proportionally even more the top hits. Hence the clicks coming from here.
Still, it's all publicity! :) Congrats on your appearance on the BBC.
Mr Dow, we are quite happy for you to exercise your right to free speech, why should you be so fussy about where people find out about your website? Surely any publicity is good publicity? Anyway, keep up the fight, there are many more in dire straits like you who have no-one to champion their rights, perhaps a combined action with them and yourself might make difference with the miserable excuse we have for a city council!!
Neighbour - good stuff - I think you can change your settings to delete unwanted comments if need be.
Mr Tramps didn't intend this to be a place for public slanging matches over Mr Dow's campaigning activity
Flat for rent Aberdeen
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