Not a tramp.
Not a busker.
Not a religious ranter and raver.
I think perhaps I need a new category of "people you see walking about Aberdeen." I've seen him round Queens Cross but my boss's daughter saw him at the top of Union Street. She asked questions her father couldn't answer.
Anyway. On to why he is on here.
From the waist up he wears a white shirt, tie, suit jacket and a meek expression. I think he looks a bit like Jeffrey Archer.
From the waist DOWN. He wears a kilt. Not a normal kilt like would get a good Scottish-lass's heart pumping. Not even a nice 21st Century Kilt like what celebrities wear. No.
A kilt like a Japanese School Girl. By which I mean it only just covers his bottom so he can show off his lovely legs to the world. He walks with a jaunty sway.
Apart from that he appears totally normal.
posted by Aberdeen Tramps | Sunday, January 09, 2005
Not a busker.
Not a religious ranter and raver.
I think perhaps I need a new category of "people you see walking about Aberdeen." I've seen him round Queens Cross but my boss's daughter saw him at the top of Union Street. She asked questions her father couldn't answer.
Anyway. On to why he is on here.
From the waist up he wears a white shirt, tie, suit jacket and a meek expression. I think he looks a bit like Jeffrey Archer.
From the waist DOWN. He wears a kilt. Not a normal kilt like would get a good Scottish-lass's heart pumping. Not even a nice 21st Century Kilt like what celebrities wear. No.
A kilt like a Japanese School Girl. By which I mean it only just covers his bottom so he can show off his lovely legs to the world. He walks with a jaunty sway.
Apart from that he appears totally normal.

Ive seen kilt on many an occasion whilst working in the somerfeild stores on great western road he is in there most fridays around 8pm - 9pm and once even came in wearing only a pair of 'speedo's' immpossible to keep a straight face when your serving him on the checkouts haha
Hurrah! And a lot of people thought I just made this bloke up.
i've seen him and he does look quite saucy !
what about the other guy - seems to be a wandering tartan punk ? can be seen wearing a kilt with punkish clothing on park benches around aberdeen.
as seems to be the trademark with these sort of chaps, he's ALWAYS seen on his own which is a shame.
I thought he lived in Mannofield! He used to go into the Boots chemist the same time every morning.
"Kilt" lives just around the corner from (Peter Dow Live not too far from me too!).
His real name is Angus Plum.
The best thing about him is watching people's reactions when they see him. Hilarious!!
correct real name is Angus Plum...Also works in the Aberdeen City Council Planning Deparment
I used to work in the Vicky Wine at Mannofield and he came in there every Friday. It was a nightmare, I had to keep a straight face while serving him whilst everyone behind him in the queue was in knots. Surely he doesn't wear the kilt to work....
I never knew I'd find out so much about the people with this site... All about kilt... The Aye-Aye Wifie...!
And I'd heard you'd written about Kilt in your book, Stuart... Must pick up a copy of it next time I'm in town :)
The guy in the kilt lives in Nellfield Place just down from the Short Mile, he only wears his kilt in the evenings and at the weekend and obviously when he has to clean his car!!!!!!! He looks really normal when he goes to work each morning.
i 1st spooted this man in brodie countryfare beside forres then i m oved thrub here n there he was doin his daily business!!
He also dons a lovely pair of very small, tight shorts! He wears them to tend to his vegetables at his plot in Garthdee!
i was a temp in his office.
he knows he is a local legend and is genuinely a nice guy, if a little odd !
He also goes hill walking with it on . A bit chilly for me.
Used to frequent Aberdeen Tramps a few years back for updates on the legendary Peter Dow. While having a wee browse to see if anything new had been said I remembered Angus he bides not far from me and the good lady and I remembered him getting lifted for being bollock naked on Irvine Place a while back but he got off because the Sherriff said the copper who nicked him wasn't offended by Angus's naked state. True legend Angus.
Well he's still on the go (22/12/11)...I've just seen him heading up the Hardgate towards the Holburn Bar. That kilt is mental :)
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