Well Kent Shops #2 - The 24 Hour Porn and Popper Shop
I speak with confidence when I say that Stephen's Corner Shop (aka the 24 Hour Porn and Popper Shop) on Hutcheon Street is a local landmark.
As you would expect, Steven's is open 24 hours. It is full in the middle of the night with dopey eyed punters buying mars bars and other such munchies. My dad reckons it's only open 24 hours because someone broke in to it every time they tried to close it.
It sells porn. Most newsagents have a top shelf. Stevens has an entire wall of porn with the normal mags (Bella, TV times, Gardener's Weekly etc) relegated to a much smaller area. Behind the door was (someone please let me know if it still is) a rusty nail with a hand-typed book hanging from it. It was a list of "massage parlours" in the Aberdeen area.
It sells poppers. Amyl Nitrate. Behind the counter. Alledgedly.
It is often staffed by children. (Or incredibly young looking short people). Often we would go in at 4am and be served by what appeared to be an 8 year-old.
It sells all the normal things you'd expect - often at knock-down past-their-due-by-date prices. We once spent an entire summer drinking bottles of cheap fizzy wine (alcohol content unknown) purchased for £1 a bottle.
And finally, no Aberdonian in their right mind would give directions around that side of town without saying "OK, go up George street, take a left up towards The 24 Hour Porn And Popper Shop and then keep going until... " etc.
posted by Aberdeen Tramps | Thursday, July 16, 2009
As you would expect, Steven's is open 24 hours. It is full in the middle of the night with dopey eyed punters buying mars bars and other such munchies. My dad reckons it's only open 24 hours because someone broke in to it every time they tried to close it.
It sells porn. Most newsagents have a top shelf. Stevens has an entire wall of porn with the normal mags (Bella, TV times, Gardener's Weekly etc) relegated to a much smaller area. Behind the door was (someone please let me know if it still is) a rusty nail with a hand-typed book hanging from it. It was a list of "massage parlours" in the Aberdeen area.
It sells poppers. Amyl Nitrate. Behind the counter. Alledgedly.
It is often staffed by children. (Or incredibly young looking short people). Often we would go in at 4am and be served by what appeared to be an 8 year-old.
It sells all the normal things you'd expect - often at knock-down past-their-due-by-date prices. We once spent an entire summer drinking bottles of cheap fizzy wine (alcohol content unknown) purchased for £1 a bottle.
And finally, no Aberdonian in their right mind would give directions around that side of town without saying "OK, go up George street, take a left up towards The 24 Hour Porn And Popper Shop and then keep going until... " etc.

Hey, the poppers are nae just behind the counter! I've seen them on the main shelves. When I was verra poor and had to buy electric tokens, sometimes in the middle of the night fan the meter ran oot, I would see these weird-lookin little bottles. Hmm!!! I don't know what's worse, the drugs or the porn! Fascinating for the observation o human life though! Now, fit aboot the late night baker in George Street?
I'm down that area a lot, and have never been into that shop.
But now I've read this, I'm going to have to go in and investigate.
I've been into Stillies, the shop near Mount Street... and I have to say that that shop is a legend (though it does not sell porn, just food past its sell by date)...
I used to quite often see a couple of junkies going into that shop late of an evening. One of them would ask the shopkeeper to get the steps out and take down some of the various dildos and porn and stuff that is right on the very top shelf around the shop. While he was up the steps, and thus distracted answering questions about dildos, the other one would be busy stuffing things up his jumper. I was always tempted to grass them up, but never did.
Stephens Porn and Popper shop has been upgraded to Premier now. This reminds me of Still Game when Navids shop become part of the Spire(Spar) chain of convenience stores. Stick yer Premier up yer arse were still sellin poppers and oot of date stuff
Aye I know they do mare than sell porn and poppers. They sell crack pipes and the goz to go with it. And apparently they sell all types of drugs. You just have tae have a code. I myself have never bought any of these but my boyfriend lived in fraser court and he was in there often as he was nearly mugged for his change coming out of it. Lol. Did not like going in there but he's seen all sorts of stuff going on. I am surprised it's not Been shut down. The cops can't do nothing about them selling crack pipes etc. I think it should be made illeagle but that's just my opinion. I have went into there myself a couple of times just for amusement when my boyfriend lived near there just for a nosy. Only took
A fiver oot wi me though. Lol
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