Welcome to Aberdeen Tramps and Ither Weel Kent Fowk! Make yourself comfy on that park bench, grab your bottle of Buckfast and find out who's hot and who's not in the ever-changing world of the vomit encrusted streets of Aberdeen!

Street Entertainers will be recognised at last!
Religious Fanatics outside Markies will know someone is listening!
And our colourful tramps will no longer be forgotten!

Join me in my fond remeniscence of The Granite City's most colourful characters and street entertainers - for I'm sure you'll all agree a good political rant or a singing tramp is as worthy of a cheering crowd as the best buskers...

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Big Aggie

Big Aggie isn't Weel Kent.

Although hopefully after this, she will be... because she damn well deserves to be!

Big Aggie first came to my attention in an email forwarded on from a workmate. It's a sound file recorded from the answering machine of a friend of a friend. I'll let you listen to it to decide exactly why she deserves fame...

Classic. Every second of it.

Listen to it here: Big Aggie Speaks!

Warning - contains some foul language! (And I wouldn't have it any other way)

posted by Aberdeen Tramps | Sunday, September 18, 2005


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That just made me snort cola through my nose! The anger, the rage in her voice during the first two messages, and then the utter contrition (though still sounding quite annoyed) in the last one - sheer class!

November 24, 2005  
Blogger Aberdeen Tramps said...

More people need to know of Big Aggie! I carry her in my Ipod just in case I find someone I can introduce to her :D

January 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi i listened to the recording last year at some point... am still telling people about it today was away to send the link to one of the ppl i was telling but its not working!!!:(
anyway of getting it back up please!!

May 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG i need aggie in my life!!!
Get here back!!

June 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's on youtube here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmnEWNzngCI

July 29, 2008  

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