Welcome to Aberdeen Tramps and Ither Weel Kent Fowk! Make yourself comfy on that park bench, grab your bottle of Buckfast and find out who's hot and who's not in the ever-changing world of the vomit encrusted streets of Aberdeen!

Street Entertainers will be recognised at last!
Religious Fanatics outside Markies will know someone is listening!
And our colourful tramps will no longer be forgotten!

Join me in my fond remeniscence of The Granite City's most colourful characters and street entertainers - for I'm sure you'll all agree a good political rant or a singing tramp is as worthy of a cheering crowd as the best buskers...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Long Overdue Post

OK OK, So I've not posted for ages... I've not had the time or energy to do a bit of Trampspotting (Hmmm. I'm picturing an amusing Page Logo in my head here...) in, like MONTHS!

And it seems people have actually started reading this site :P So I'd like to take the opportunity to thank everyone at...

donstalk.co.uk AFC discussion board
aberdeencruiser.com A discussion board for Boolie Bashers? Cool!
belmont-street.com discussion board
and of course granitecity.org

... for paying attention and making their various comments at the various sites.

So what am I going to do? Well... OK so first of all I have a few tramps/weel-kent-fowk I've never gotten around to writing about... Mr Buggrit, Squeak, The Markies Street Preachers

I've never written about tramps/weel-kent-fowk of the past (for which I will ask one of the best sources around... My Dad) such as Snuffy Ivy.

and then there's all the suggestions you've all made plus the weel-kent-fowk on Knowhere which I've had my attention drawn to.

I guess I'll get around to them all eventually :D I'd like permission to quote some of you though, especially on some of the tramps and weel-kent-fowk I don't know too much about myself.

Watch This Space!

posted by Aberdeen Tramps | Thursday, September 15, 2005


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about 'Hotpoint' the girl with the unfortunate appearance who sits outside Fopp records?

She must be worthy of a feature?

September 15, 2005  
Blogger Aberdeen Tramps said...

Why's she called Hotpoint? Or do I not want to know?

This was supposed to be an amusing blog full of observations at the town's celebrities... I never intended it to be about homeless people or folk begging for money... I'm not laughing at that... So at the moment I'm not intending to put her in.

However I still want to know why she's called Hotpoint :P

September 15, 2005  

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