Mr Buggrit
More or less taken out of the pages of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, Mr Buggrit is (or was...?) a familiar sight to many Aberdonians-about-town.
Aberdeen's very own version of Foul Old Ron was often spotted... Often!? I mean ALWAYS spotted walking about Union Street and surrounding environs with a bit of a stoop, hands clenched behind his back and grinning up into the faces of passersby (with the expression of a 'Here's Johnny' Jack Nicholson) shouting "BUGGER YE!" "BIG PAPS!" or some such similar comedy cry.
He was always in a city centre record shop a friend of mine used to work in, demanding "JIMMY SHAND!!!! JIMMY SHAND????" at the top of his voice, or being spotted in the post office going "AYE! AYE AYE!! AYE YE BUGGER!"
I remember one time he'd gotten hold of a small Mr Blobby Doll and was shuffling up Union Street grinning and going "BLOBBY! BLOBBY? BLOBBY BLOBBY!" to anyone that would listen.
Sadly... I fear he has gone the way of the White Heather Wifie as I've not seen him about for a good few years. Not since I used to live in Stafford Street (Not really giving away my identity here as I'm sure most Aberdonians have had the pleasure of living in Stafford Street at some point in their lives) and would hear him from my bedroom, walking up the street, muttering "Buggerit. Bugger em. Bugger Ye! Bugger it aaaaa!"
He'll be sadly missed.
posted by Aberdeen Tramps | Saturday, September 17, 2005
Aberdeen's very own version of Foul Old Ron was often spotted... Often!? I mean ALWAYS spotted walking about Union Street and surrounding environs with a bit of a stoop, hands clenched behind his back and grinning up into the faces of passersby (with the expression of a 'Here's Johnny' Jack Nicholson) shouting "BUGGER YE!" "BIG PAPS!" or some such similar comedy cry.
He was always in a city centre record shop a friend of mine used to work in, demanding "JIMMY SHAND!!!! JIMMY SHAND????" at the top of his voice, or being spotted in the post office going "AYE! AYE AYE!! AYE YE BUGGER!"
I remember one time he'd gotten hold of a small Mr Blobby Doll and was shuffling up Union Street grinning and going "BLOBBY! BLOBBY? BLOBBY BLOBBY!" to anyone that would listen.
Sadly... I fear he has gone the way of the White Heather Wifie as I've not seen him about for a good few years. Not since I used to live in Stafford Street (Not really giving away my identity here as I'm sure most Aberdonians have had the pleasure of living in Stafford Street at some point in their lives) and would hear him from my bedroom, walking up the street, muttering "Buggerit. Bugger em. Bugger Ye! Bugger it aaaaa!"
He'll be sadly missed.

I remember him now! Haven't seen him for many a long year. A Union Street stalwart who always looked like he was walking in a hurricane. He smiled in a demented way particularly between Market Street and Crown Street.
Aye, this boy could come up with some right good utterances.
"Aaah...weathers great...breeests!" or a particular old favourite of mine, outside Bruce Millers ; "(mutter, mutter)Bertie Bertie...aaaaaahhhhh...paps and..what? Gettaf**k...ahhhhhh"
Mr Buggerit is alive and well.My wife spotted him in Michies the Chemist on Friday. He has moved on from wearing his dirty "Columbo Mac" coat to a posh looking Camel coat. He was also seen one Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago heading West along Holburn Street carrying a small bag of messages. My wife and I remember this guy from the Swinging Sixties so we reckon he must be at least eighty. He still walks leaning forward at 45 degrees.
I have seen Buggerit many times, the last time was about a year ago and he was sitting on the grass at the top of the Hardgate, opposite Charlies wearing a long black skirt and holding what looked like a toaster. He has also been spotted by a colleague of mine rummaging through the bins on George Street.
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